The original plan was to leave for Union Glacier on Jan 4.  In the morning of the 3rd we were told that Union was expected to have good weather early in the morning of the 4th and then to have bad weather.  To meet that window would require us leaving the evening of the 3rd.  Plans remained fluid all day.

  • Briefing at ANI

Later in the day we were told to get our checked luggage ready.  This would be packed on the plane and wait for us whenever we finally left

  • weighing the luggage
  • group's Antarctic gear

The rest of the day we pretty much just hung around the hotel.  As the day progressed “possible” turned to “probably” and then to a departure time. About 8 PM we boarded the buses to the airport.

  • Ilyushin at Punta Arenas
  • waiting for us
  • boarding
  • me riding to Antarctica